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Thursday, October 27, 2022

Staff-Spotlight-JP, Golf Sales Manager

Not many people in our organization can say they have built a division of our business from the ground up – but our Golf Sales Manager can!

JP joined the Martin Farm Equipment team in 1987 and two years later the dealership signed the contract to sell John Deere golf equipment across the province. JP took on the Golf Sales position with enthusiasm and started travelling all the highways and backroads of Alberta, visiting every golf course he could find.

As John Deere started manufacturing their own golf equipment, JP spent many hours demoing mowers. John Deere wasn’t a household name in the golf industry, he had to prove himself and the equipment against the competition time and time again. He specifically recalls the John Deere 2653A trim utility mower making a huge impact on the industry. “When that machine came out, everyone wanted it, it got us into many golf courses in the market. It was the machine that put us on the map!”

As John Deere expanded their line of golf equipment and business grew, more manpower was needed. JP gravitated into a Manager role and hired salesman in Edmonton, and in 1993 a Martin Deerline Golf & Turf location was established in Calgary to better serve the southern golf courses. The business has continued to grow over the years, and JP is proud that his Golf & Turf Sales team have been recognized by John Deere multiple times over the years as one of the top Golf & Turf dealers in North America.

Selling a new John Deere product line within the golf industry was an opportunity and challenge JP committed to and here he is 35 years later having played a part in every piece of John Deere golf equipment sold in Alberta. A legacy no one else can put their name to!

When asked if he thought he would spend a lifetime with Martin Deerline, JP quickly responded “NO!” But the people he grew up with in this business made him decide to turn what he once thought was just a job into a career. “The people and industry are the best part of this job, I have always enjoyed coming to work each day.”

Outside of work JP, his wife and two children spend their summers camping. You can find him at the lake every weekend with extended family - fishing, boating and just enjoying the outdoors. But, ironically you won’t find him golfing very often! For a guy that has made a career in the golf industry, seen some of the most famous courses in North America and Europe and even met Curtis Strange and Tiger Woods, JP tells us, “I’m not good at golf! I like it but I am not good at it!”

JP has been an integral part of our team, not only leading and growing our Golf & Turf Sales division but as a mentor to his co-workers. We can always count on JP to step up to the plate to organize staff functions, pitch in to assist other departments and offer advice or a listening ear to the next generation of employees. His years of experience are invaluable to our organization. Congratulations on hitting a milestone 35 years with Martin Deerline and thank you for your years of dedication.

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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