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Friday, September 24, 2021

Staff Spotlight - Derek, Agricultural Service Manager

In 2006, Derek had just finished his schooling at NAIT in the Industrial Heavy Equipment Technician program and had started working at a mine site. His Dad happened to be getting his pressure washer fixed at Martin Deerline and mentioned to Derek that they were looking for a Service Technician. Derek applied for the job and was hired the following week, which started his 15-year career with Martin Deerline.

For the next 10 years he worked as a Service Technician in the Ag shop before he transitioned to Shop Foreman in 2016. He stayed in that role for 4 years before taking on his newest position of Ag Service Manager.

Derek has seen plenty of change in his 15 years here, but the biggest has been the organizational growth. �When I first started, we were sharing a building and a shop with Martin Motor Sports. Having them relocate into their own building and seeing both companies continue to grow was a huge change.�

What does Derek love most about working here? �Definitely the people. Both the clients that we deal with and the people that we work with.� Another part of the job that Derek loves is the opportunity to get involved in the many events that Martin Deerline participates in - particularly parades. �Watching the faces of the little kids light up when you're driving a 4WD tractor or a sprayer through downtown Edmonton or Stony Plain is priceless.�

Co-workers would describe Derek as easy-going, dedicated and passionate about his job. It's very important to him to keep the lines of communication open between him and his team - so he always has an open-door policy. Derek is always willing to help his fellow employees whether with a personal or professional situation.

When asked what advice would you give a new employee - Derek answered: �it's going to be a steep learning curve learning all the equipment that we work on, but don't give up. It will benefit you in the long run. You will be a way better mechanic just based on the diversity of the job. You don't have to be an expert, but if you have the right attitude and are willing to learn, you will definitely succeed.�

Outside of work, you'll find Derek spending time with his wife and 2 kids - Emery, 3 years old, and Eli, 4 months old - both of whom keep Derek and his wife extremely busy! When asked what he would be doing if he had an hour of free time Derek answered: �right now? Sleeping!�

In all seriousness, you will definitely find him camping with his family or out on his kayak in the summer, and in the winter he'll either be playing or watching hockey.

Thank you Derek, for your positive attitude and for always being so willing to lend a helping hand! We're lucky to have you as part of the Martin Deerline team!

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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