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Friday, January 28, 2022

Staff Spotlight - Hendrik, High Prairie Service Technician

Starting a new job in general can be intimidating on its own, let alone packing your bags and starting a new job in a foreign country; but for Hendrik it's been the best decision he has ever made!

After three years of discussions with our Service Team in High Prairie and travel delays due to the pandemic, Hendrik was finally able to board a plane on December 30, 2020 to start his new adventure in Canada. Now one year later he is not only celebrating one year of living in Canada, but also one year of employment with Martin Deerline.

Back in the Western Cape of South Africa, Hendrik worked as a red seal Diesel Technician specializing in Forage Harvesters for the John Deere dealership AFGRI Equipment. With eleven years of experience, the transition to a Service Technician at Martin Deerline was easy, Hendrik fit right in with the team making him feel at home. The High Prairie community has been great as Hendrik commented, �Since the first day at work in High Prairie a year ago, the staff members at Martin Deerline have given me a warm welcoming, introducing me to their families, clients and the community.�

When asked what advice he has for fellow new employees starting out with Martin Deerline he said, �Don't be afraid to ask questions, because there is no such thing as a stupid question. Gaining knowledge comes over time and in the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,� and Hendrik is no stranger to taking the opportunities that come his way.

Hendrik has fully embraced the Canadian lifestyle trying to experience the differences in our day-to-day activities, noting he has adapted to �plugging in a vehicle, warming it up in the morning, and having to swap between summer and winter tires!� He has also become very Canadianized within his first year here and finds himself watching hockey in the evenings and loves poutine! He even tried curling this winter, which like most first timers - resulted in a small tail-bone injury!

Besides experiencing all the Canadian culture he can, Hendrik enjoys collecting vintage items and building Lego Technics. He currently has eighteen collectible models staying safe with his family in South Africa and has started growing his collection here.

Join us in congratulating Hendrik on being a part of the Martin Deerline family for one year. His fun-loving personality has been a great addition to our team!

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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