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Friday, May 21, 2021

Staff Spotlight - Ryley, Parts Manager

Growing up immersed in agriculture on a farm near Flatbush, Ryley knew he wanted to find a career within the ag industry. He pondered becoming a mechanic but decided to give the Parts Technician role a chance by joining the Martin Deerline team in Barrhead in 2013.

Ryley noted, �Martin Deerline seemed like a place that everyone wanted to work. It was always seen as a pinnacle of a premium dealership selling a premium product.� He took the opportunity to join the Martin Deerline team and has continued to grow within the dealership.

Over the next three years Ryley earned his journeyman parts ticket and also met his wife Carlie, which came with a move to her hometown. Once settled in with his wife and growing family, Ryley returned to Martin Deerline joining the parts team in West Edmonton in 2017 and moved to Warburg later that year, which has been his home away from home ever since!

Ryley has proven that being behind the parts counter working with customers all day is where he is meant to be. He has a knack for building relationships with our clients and finding solutions for them even in their most stressful situations.

Some of his most memorable moments come from the relationships he built with customers, as he recalls; �When I was leaving Barrhead, customers came in just to say goodbye and wish me well. It was extremely humbling but also made me realize how big of an impact we can make on our customers by going the extra mile.�

And it's Ryley's dedication to going above and beyond, combined with his growing experience that earned him his recent promotion into the role of Parts Manager. It is Ryley's biggest accomplishment at the dealership thus far and he is excited to take on this new position leading his team.

Outside of work Ryley is a thrill seeker at heart. He started participating in rodeo events at 13 years of age and was never one to back down from a challenge of climbing on the back of an animal! He is a two-time WRA Bareback Riding Champion with many other accolades on his resume from his rodeo career

After deciding to move on from rodeo, Ryley's outdoor adventures now include camping, fishing, hunting and farming - activities he can do with his wife and three young kids

Thank you Ryley, for always showing up to work with lots of energy and a great attitude, we're lucky to have you as a part of the Martin Deerline team!

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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