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Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Get Your Baler Ready To Go

With the calendar turning to June in only a few days time that means Hay Season is not all that far away!

Now is the time of year when you will want to pull the baler out of the shed and go through it to make sure it is ready to go when the sun is shining and the hay is dry.

We talked to our certified John Deere service technicians to create the following checklist for you to do a quick inspection of your round baler at home.

  • First, clean the baler top to bottom, inside and out with an air hose to remove all dirt and dry hay or straw.
  • Inspect and grease all fittings and bearings, including wheel bearings.
  • Check all bearings for wear, preferably with an infrared temperature gun after running the baler for 30 minutes.
  • Inspect friction clutches.
  • Inspect your high-wear parts such as scrapers, rollers, cam track bearings, pick-up teeth, belts and lacings, roller chains and sprockets.
  • Inspect roller chains, adjust or replace as needed.
  • Check belt tension settings are in line with recommendations to prevent slippage.
  • Inspect the electrical harnesses, ensure there is no exposed wiring. Clean the connections with an electrical contact cleaner.
  • Check hydraulic fluids for contamination and/or condensation, cylinders for leaks and hoses for wear spots or cracks.
  • Take a look at the tires. Usually, they're one of the most often overlooked components - until they go flat. Even under-inflated tires negatively impact performance in the field.
  • Ensure all shields, guards, reflectors and lights are in place and working; as well as slow moving vehicle signs and decals.
  • Experiencing any minor issues with the net wrap or twine systems? Now's the time to get them fixed!

If you run across any issues while inspecting your baler your local Martin Deerline parts and service teams are always just a phone call away.

Or if you are short on time, let us inspect your baler for you. Request an inspection from our service department now.

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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