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Monday, March 4, 2019

New John Deere Quik Knect PTO System

Ever struggle to get your 3-point hitch implements connected to the PTO shaft on your tractor?

John Deeres new industry exclusive Quik-KnectTM System has just made your life easier! Never struggle with your PTO again.

The John Deere Quik-Knect System allows you to use one connector for the tractor PTO shaft and another for the implement. Just slide the tractor and implement connectors together until they click into place and you are good to go to work!

The new Quik-Knect system can be installed on John Deere tractors up to 115 HP, see your local Martin Deerline Parts Technician to order the aftermarket kit today!

Read on to learn how it works in more detail.

John Deere Quik-Knect Tractor Side

A John Deere Quik-Knect tractor receiver will be installed over the tractor power take-off (PTO) shaft and remains on the tractor. This receiver will work with all series of Compact Utility Tractors and remains the same no matter which implement you are connecting to.

John Deere Quik-Knect Implement Side
On the implement you will remove the standard PTO shaft connector and replace with a John Deere Quik-Knect implement yoke.

Parts required on the implement side will vary depending on the size of the yoke and the amount of HP required. Your local Martin Deerline Parts Technician will be able to help you find the right parts for your implement.

Once you have the Quik-Knect parts installed on both the tractor and implement there will be no more struggling to line up the splines, just simply click it into place like you can see in this video.

Get the attachability advantage and install the John Deere Quik-Knect System on your tractor today! The system is available on John Deere tractors up to 115 HP and compatible with Frontier and John Deere rear implements including grooming mowers, rotary tillers, snow blowers and more!

What are you waiting for? Start connecting your PTO driven implements the easy way. Learn more at your local Martin Deerline.

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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