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Thursday, March 21, 2019

Tackle Any Task By Adding These Implements To Your Compact Utility Tractor

Turn your yard project list from "to do" to "I'm done!" A Compact Utility Tractor (CUT) can easily be turned into a versatile workhorse ready to tackle any task with our complement of implements and attachments.

Read on to learn what our top picks are to get jobs done this Spring.

John Deere iMatch Hitch
An iMatch Hitch is the first attachment you should invest in as it will make attaching rear implements so much easier. This quick-attach system allows you to simply back up and hydraulically attach to implements.

John Deere Rotary Tiller
With a new growing season upon us it means its time to turn the soil over and prepare your seedbed. Rotary Tillers are designed to break through tough terrain making it perfect for breaking your soil to the perfect planting texture as well as weed control in your garden, around fence lines or windbreaks.

Frontier Rear Blade
The 3-point hitch Rear Blade is very versatile, it can be used for multiple jobs around the yard including draining spring run-off, re-contouring your driveway after the ground thaws, spreading new dirt or gravel for landscaping projects, and of course moving snow.

Frontier Box Blade
A Box Blade may not be high on your list right now but it's probably a tool you would use a lot. It is ideal for grading and leveling gravel drives, building paths, leveling land for new building sites, and spreading dirt from one area to another.

Frontier Broadcast Spreader
Add a spreader to your implement fleet to spread fertilizer or a top coat of seed over your grass in the spring. A spreader is also useful during the winter and thawing season to spread salt over icy driveways.

John Deere Mower Deck
An Auto-Connect Mid-Mount Mower Deck is the perfect addition to your compact tractor if you have any grass to mow. You can attach it without even leaving the seat, simply drive over the mower, listen for a click as it attaches and that's it - you're ready to mow!

These are just a few of our top picks, there are endless options of implements for your compact utility tractor. Come by your local Martin Deerline to find the right tools to tackle your project list or view some of the possibilities in our online virtual showroom. The hardest part will be choosing which one to purchase first!

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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