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Tuesday, October 27, 2020

John Vandenberg Retires

Congratulations to John Vandenberg, Agricultural Sales Representative in High Prairie on his retirement.

John grew up on a farm in the Peace River area and moved to High Prairie in 1983 so an Ag Sales role was the perfect fit for him as he knew farming and had relationships already established with the customers. However, he did make his start with Deerline Sales in 2002 as a Yards Person before moving into the sales position in 2004.

John's dedication to customer service earned him great respect from his clients, which resulted in some volume sales - John delivered his 84th combine this past summer!

John will greatly miss visiting with the customers and his fellow co-workers which he calls his second family, but knows the friendships will last a lifetime. His last day is this Friday, October 30th, so if you're in the town of High Prairie be sure to stop in and wish him well!

Thank you John for your years of service and we wish you all the best as you enter this next chapter of your life.

*Disclaimer: Martin Deerline merged with Agland as of July 31, 2024, and is now known as Horizon Ag & Turf 

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